2025 Speaker Details

Details here are for speakers identified and invited by the Hawaii Energy Conference program committee.



Mahalo for the gift of your time. We know many of you travel great distances to speak at the conference. Here are a few things to know:

  1. The conference occurs at the Maui Arts & Cultural Center. The venue is about 10-15 minutes by car from the Kahului airport (symbol OGG).
  2. The venue offers indoor and outdoor seating and it is common for groups to meet privately or at the outside tables throughout the conference.
  3. All meals are provided on-site and the cost is included in your registration.
  4. The conference does not utilize breakout sessions. All sessions occur on the main stage. Some attendees stay in the same theater seat all conference. Others move around.
  5. Each panel is assigned a moderator. Please know that the moderator has the authority to limit the time available to each speaker. Panels are normally 60 minutes with three speakers and a moderator. Depending on format and whether the moderator will also be actively presenting material, the average speaker will have 10-12 minutes and be expected to answer a few questions from the audience.
  6. The Program Committee requests that you spend some time reading the Program description. Remember the theme. The 2025 Hawaii Energy Conference – Offering Solutions
  7. The conference expects to welcome approximately 300 attendees.


Registration is discounted for speakers. Please see details included in your Speaker Details email.


When registering, please upload a short bio and headshot for inclusion in the conference app and program. 


For Moderators
As moderator, we encourage you to engineer crosstalk among the panelists. This makes the panel more of a conversation instead of a back and forth between each individual panelist and the moderator. If a speaker is requiring slides, please limit the number of slides to less than 10. Panelists have been asked to send their slides to you by Wednesday, May 14. Please compile your session’s slides into a master slide deck, ensuring they are in the correct order and in Powerpoint format 16:9 (widescreen), and submit to info@hawaiienergyconference.com prior to Wednesday, May 14.  You will have a clicker to drive your session’s presentation. 

For Panelist
The Program Committee encourages conversation amongst the panel instead of a back-and-forth exchange between each individual panelist and the moderator. If you require slides, please limit the number of slides to less than 10. To minimize bandwidth issues, slides should be in PowerPoint format 16:9 (widescreen) with a maximum file size of 100 MB. Animations should be set to play “on click” and any short videos should be embedded. We encourage you to bring a back up on a thumb drive and to include a copy of an external video file should there be any technical issues with the embedded video playback. It is highly recommended that font sizes be a minimum of 14 pts, with larger fonts preferred for audience visibility. Please send your slides to your moderator (copied herein) prior to Wed, May 14.

For Keynote, Featured Talk & Invited Talks Presenters
Please inform us in advance if your presentation includes video. Please prepare your briefing in PowerPoint 16:9 (widescreen) format and send to info@hawaiienergyconference.com. An upload link will be provided for video files. YouTube or internet-hosted videos are not allowed. Please bring a backup of your video on a thumb drive in case there are issues with the uploaded file.

About Video Formatting
YouTube or internet-hosted videos or music are not allowed due to copyrighted playback issues. Video files must be .wmv or .mp4 format. Please contact info@hawaiienergyconference.com to obtain an upload link.


If you are utilizing slides, please visit the tech desk backstage to run through your slides. The AV Team will be available during scheduled coffee breaks and meal breaks.


Please be backstage 20 minutes prior to the start of your session for a brief speaker orientation.


Moderators have been asked to reserve the final 10-15 minutes of the session for Audience Q&A. Audience questions will be submitted using the conference app and will be vetted before forwarding to the moderator’s conference provided iPad.


Business casual or aloha.


Please contact the Conference Organizing Committee at info@hawaiienergyconference.com